We are looking forward to the start of a SUPERSTAR year with Orientation on August 28th. Details will come to enrolled families via email later in August.
about 2 months ago, Robin Murphy
Lineham is excited to share that we are accepting applications for the 24-25 school year. We have both full and half day programs. We will be holding an Open House in March. Please call the school with any questions.
7 months ago, Robin Murphy
We are accepting applications on a rolling basis for the 2022-23 school year! Plan ahead! Please call for a Child Outreach screening as well
almost 3 years ago, Robin Murphy
Reminder... if your child is returning to school after any type of illness, you must complete this form https://forms.gle/7KZs9rW3bfUCfGLA8
almost 4 years ago, Robin Murphy
Wear a mask!
about 4 years ago, Robin Murphy
Wear a mask!
Exeter Library::: We are putting the final touches on our FALL PROGRAM SCHEDULE! Keep your eye on our FB pages, ExeterPublicLibrary and ExeterPublicLibraryChildrens, our website (www.exeterpubliclibrary.org) and newsletters for a schedule of all the fun programming we'll be offering in the upcoming months!
about 4 years ago, Robin Murphy
Mind blown by this research! What your kids watch on TV DOES matter. https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/128/4/644
about 4 years ago, Robin Murphy
A Daniel Tiger sing along to help your kiddos with our new world! https://pbskids.org/video/daniel-tigers-neighborhood/3045643235
about 4 years ago, Robin Murphy
Hello Lineham Families! Just a few notes as we look ahead to the start of the year. We will be asking that no lunch boxes or backpacks are sent to school. Snacks should arrive in disposable brown bags to cut down on any germ transfers. Although we do not have a school supply list, we do suggest that you might create a school supply kit at home for potential distance learning at some point this year. Prices are so good right now! Think crayons, chalk, kid scissors, glue, construction paper. We recommend that you keep them in a special spot or box that will be used just for remote learning should that need arise. Stay tuned for more updates! Be safe!
about 4 years ago, Robin Murphy
Great article! So important as we look to the new year. https://www.pbs.org/parents/thrive/the-power-of-routines
about 4 years ago, Robin Murphy
A reminder to be sure to update your child's immunizations before beginning the school year. We will ask for documentation with registration and updates as they are made. Thank you so much for supporting the health and wellness of our learning community!
about 4 years ago, Robin Murphy
We are still accepting applications for the 2020-21 school year! We would love to hear from you. Just click on the "New Families" tab for our brochure and registration packet. Or email robin_corsi@ewg.k12.ri.us
over 4 years ago, Robin Murphy
Our school closure continues to the end of April. We are doing distance learning though!!! Keep connected and in touch with us.
over 4 years ago, Robin Murphy
School is closed until April 3rd per Governor's directive. Child Outreach screenings will be rescheduled if they fell during this time. New applications for the 2020-2021 school year can still be accepted. Please contact Robin via email robin_corsi@ewg.k12.ri.us
over 4 years ago, Robin Murphy
Parent Night Feb 25th at 5:45 Join us!
over 4 years ago, Robin Murphy
We are thinking about next year! Preschool registration is open and Kindergarten registration opens next month. Share this information with a friend!
over 4 years ago, Robin Murphy
Are you connected? We have a number of points of access to find out what is going on at Lineham! You can check here on the Live Feed, check out ClassDojo if you are linked, and follow us on FaceBook!
almost 5 years ago, Robin Murphy
Fab first week!!!
about 5 years ago, Robin Murphy
Busy busy
Fun outside
New friends
Creation station
It's coming!!!!!! The first day is nearly here! We can't wait to see everyone on August 29th for Orientation!
about 5 years ago, Robin Murphy
Last hurrah!
Dear Parents, Students and Co-Workers, I was totally surprised and awed by the sensory garden planted in my honor. It is a brilliant idea that will serve the Lineham students for years to come. Thank you for your time, donations and inspiration! I will hold that sunny morning and the beautiful garden in my heart forever. Sincerely, Miss Pam
about 5 years ago, Robin Murphy