Looks like it may be chilly for our Spirit Day activities on the football field Friday afternoon. Everyone should wear layers to keep warm. The committee has organized a really fun afternoon for everyone.
about 6 years ago, Susan Chandler
Saturday night is our Homecoming Dance. The dance is from 6-10PM. Students may leave the dance at 9:30. It looks like it is going to be a great night for the dance.
about 6 years ago, Susan Chandler
This Friday night 10/19 is our Homecoming Game under the lights! Please come out and support the Knights as they do battle under the lights provided by our booster club. Kick off is 7 PM. GO KNIGHTS!
about 6 years ago, Susan Chandler
This week is Spirit Week. This is all about school spirit. Each day has a different theme, but the one theme that should never change is the core value theme of kindness. Enjoy the week!
about 6 years ago, Susan Chandler
October 12 Stay informed Parents/students/staff they can stay informed of updated community announcements by clicking on the community announcements link below: https://www.ewgrsd.org/o/ewgrsd/browse/39124 Get your EWG Varsity Letterman Jackets last day to order is tomorrow. Spirit Week 10-15 to 10-19 Monday Meme/Vine Day Tuesday Hawaiian Day Wednesday Character Day Thursday Pajama Day Friday Class Colors ALL school rules apply. No masks, facepaint, hats, and all outfits must meet dress code. Homecoming dance will be hosted on Saturday, October 20th. Tickets on sale during all lunches. The Newspaper Club will be selling paper chain links for all grade levels now until Thursday, October 18th. The advisory that contributes the most to the chain will be awarded a pizza party sponsored by the Newspaper Club. Paper chain links cost $1 or your can buy three links for $2. Stop in room 203 to buy one or see a member of the newspaper club before school or during lunch. See Mr. Walsh if there are any questions. There will be a math honor society meeting Monday, Oct 15th at 1:45 in room 109. There will be a brief meeting for parents of juniors on Tuesday, October 16th from 6:30 -7pm in room S21. The purpose of the meeting is to give parents an overview on upcoming class fundraisers. Pizza and refreshments will be served. See Mr. Walsh in 203 if there any questions.
about 6 years ago, Deb O'Brien
Get your EWG Varsity Letterman Jackets last day to order is tomorrow.
about 6 years ago, Deb O'Brien
A representative from the University of New Hampshire will be visiting next Tuesday. If interested sign up to attend in Naviance.
about 6 years ago, Stacy Haines-Mayne
Join us for the ARRL School Club Roundup. We will provide licensed amateur radio control operators to oversee operations and teach radio skills, a script to follow for the contest exchange, various amateur radio equipment, and antennas to allow local, long distance, and even worldwide contacts! Monday, October 15th, Wednesday, October 17th, and Friday, October 19th. More information at http://ewgarc.myewg.org
about 6 years ago, EWG Amateur Radio Club
Interested in Architecture, Construction or Engineering? Register now for ACE at www.acementorri.org First meeting is next Wednesday the 17th at NEIT. The program is a great opportunity to learn and experiment with career professionals and can lead to a college scholarship. Get involved today!
about 6 years ago, Stacy Haines-Mayne
Any DECA members interested in attending the RI DECA Fall Leadership conference at Johnson and Wales on Friday, October 26 need to contact Mr. Krom or MRs. Kennedy by next Tuesday, October 9th for registration. The next EWG Chapter of DECA will meet on Oct 9th in room S208.
about 6 years ago, Deb O'Brien
Homecoming dance will be on Saturday, October 20th. Tickets are on sale during lunches. Tickets are $15 dollars each and must be purchased in advance.
about 6 years ago, Deb O'Brien
The Robotics club next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct 9th after school in room 204. New members welcome. See Mr. Murphy for details. Message from Ms. Davis for seniors in Group 2, your fieldwork journal entry 1 is due tomorrow.
about 6 years ago, Deb O'Brien
Please check out this very informative newletter from our Student Assistance Counselor -- https://mailchi.mp/172b306a7663/oct-parent-newsletter?e=2b99598e43
about 6 years ago, Susan Chandler
Varsity Letterman's Jackets on sale.
about 6 years ago, Deb O'Brien
Varsity Lettermans Jackets on sale.
Parent teacher conferences are on October 18th, the times are 12 noon to 2:00pm and 5pm to 7:00pm. EWG is using PTCFast.com to make signups as convenient as possible this year. Please enter the following web address into your browser window: https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Exeter_West_Greenwich_Jr_Sr_High If you do not have internet access, please send your student in with requested times to their teacher.
about 6 years ago, Susan Chandler
Don't forget to check Naviance to see what colleges are visiting! Johnson & Wales will be here tomorrow and Salve Regina on Friday!
about 6 years ago, Stacy Haines-Mayne
The late bus began on October 1. It is available on Monday and Wednesday. Click the link below for late bus permission form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf4nirMEv-t8TRbFikm2KFgJ96V0NqZ9U3XTjGDUMA5KZiWwg/viewform
about 6 years ago, Susan Chandler
Class of 2019 presents: Junk-In-Your-Trunk Sale, A Community Yard Sale Event, Sunday, October 14, 9 am - 1 pm at the Exeter Public Library. https://goo.gl/rqYC8q
over 6 years ago, EWG JSHS Admin
Interested in Robots? Come join EWG very own Robotics team. Create, build and program your own unique robot and then test your skills against top schools in the state at a regional competition held at NE Tech. First meeting will be held this coming Monday, Oct 1st. See Mr. Murphy for more details.
over 6 years ago, EWG JSHS Admin
The EWG Class of 2019 is looking for parent volunteers for an event on Saturday, September 29 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. We will be staffing a family fun day carnival for IGT. The event will take place at 55 Technology Way, West Greenwich, RI. This event raises over $1,500 for the class of 2019, so we would appreciate it if parents could help out and volunteer. We are still short of the required amount of parent volunteers. Volunteers will be asked to help serve food, oversee games, and supervise bounce houses. All volunteers are required to stay for the entire time. Volunteers must wear closed toe shoes, and they will be given a t-shirt upon arrival. Any parent volunteer will receive one free homecoming ticket voucher for their child to use. If you are interested in participating and helping the Class of 2019, please contact Kierra Giarrusso, Catherine Hood, Daniella Mendoza Cabrera or Tessa Lyman
over 6 years ago, EWG JSHS Admin