All of our happy Princesses here at Lineham thank the parents and PTA for some very special treats this week!

Great day at the Museum!! We all travelled to the Providence Children’s museum for fun and exploration. A beautiful day allowed us a lot of outside fun!

Buster the bus visited us today! He taught all of the kiddos about bus and road safety. They are ready for the field trip!! Thank you to AAA for providing this program

Imagine Walk. Walked in memory of a very special little boy

Friends in action on our new plasma cars bought in honor of a very loved little boy who attended our school!

Green Day at Lineham! Today was all about healthy nutrition and trying new things. The kids tried some new green goods and even a green smoothie!

What was happening in Mrs. Piermattei’s room today? Lots of things! Take a look at our busy happy friends

Fun event that supports our SELAC
May 4th Touch a Truck and MORE

The chicks are all here!! Each class has 7 and they are so much fun to look at! They will be with us all week

We have a baby!!!!!!

Math day fun!!! We welcomed so many families to join us in our learning today. Thank you for the support

Leprechaun hunting at school today! We just missed him, but he left a wee bit of gold behind for the kids

Mrs. Schofield’s classes have been embracing this Math Month! Looks at these fantastic graphs.

What can we do outside??? Have lots of fun with our new block center!

We welcomed High School students today to learn about chickens!! We are starting our hatching unit and the High Schoolers led us through a story, petting a chicken and crafts!! Great collaboration

More Wacky Moments!

It’s a Wacky Wednesday!! The kids had a great time celebrating Dr. Seuss’

Miss Pam’s class made gingerbread play doh today to go along with their unit on the senses. It does smell good!

Mrs. Piermattei’s class is cooking Octopus Stew this morning! 😮. This is connected to the song they are singing “Octopus Stew” and learning all about the letter “o”. Ask your child if he or she liked it!!

Fun with the Zoomobile today!! We saw a ferret, a tenrec, and a corn snake