Miss Alicia brought some very sweet friends to visit today!
almost 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
In diapers!!
So soft
Lots of Lineham fun today!!!
almost 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
Snow fun
Blowing bubbles in the cold
Special treat
Freeze dance
Happy Valentine’s Day!
almost 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
Love our kids
Miss Pam’s class is using their sense of taste this week with a taste test!! Those lemons are sour
almost 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
He likes it
Sour watermelon
Not so sure
No afternoon preschool today due to weather
almost 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
What are we working on this month??? Learning to draw and develop those fine motor skills are essential pre-kindergarten skills. We use Hand Writing Without Tears just like K to help all children develop appropriate pencil grasps and pencil control needed for writing. Watch for more info!
about 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
We can!
We are working on fine motor and writing skills.... every day!
about 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
Play doh strengthens hands
Following a model and attending to details
Matching letters and words
Connecting shapes and building letters
Mrs Schofield’s class keeping active in the cold. This is the class caterpillar! They had to work as a team to move
about 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
Happy kids
Turning around
We have had Mrs. Larkin the nurse joining our PE classes this week to talk about the “cough spot”, that special place in your elbow where you can give your cough! This is to avoid coughing into a hand and spreading germs further. Many kids got tattoos for their cough spots!
about 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
Mrs Piermattei’s class is working on writing the letter “F” using Handwriting without Tears. Big line down, little line, little line. Try it at home.
about 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
F is for frog
Great work
If it ever snows.... here are some fun things to try at home with your sweet kiddos!https://kent.macaronikid.com/articles/5c3ff94fa53fbb6762c98736/snow-much-fun-5-ways-for-your-kids-to-have-indoor-fun-with-snow
about 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
Miss Pam’s class uses “carrot noses” from a story book about snowmen to create letters!
about 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
Building letter A
Great work
RI BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION ALERT MESSAGING PROGRAM The best way to be informed about school closings, delays, and early dismissals is through the RIBA Alert Messaging Program. Visit your favorite radio or television website now to register for ALERT MESSAGING to your cell phone. Be notified immediately when there is a cancellation, delay or emergency message relating to your child's school. ALERT MESSAGING registration for the RI Broadcasters Association cancellation system can be found on radio and television stations home page or under the weather tab. Click here to signup through WPRI.com
about 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
Miss Pam’s class trying to catch snowflakes on black paper so that they can see beauty of each one
about 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
Can’t wait
Waiting for the flakes
Mrs Piermattei’s class is using all kinds of materials to create some very special snow people! Planning, creating, imagining.... learning!
about 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
Working together
Making a plan
Our “I Can” statement this month. We all love to talk about weather in New England. Talk about it at home with your kids
about 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
Afternoon Santa visit pics
about 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
All ready
Hi five Santa
On the good list
Making gingerbread houses with Mrs Piermattei
about 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
What to choose
Happy Holidays!!!!
about 6 years ago, Robin Murphy
On the good list
Waiting for Santa
Lots of hugs
Sharing a story